Sunday 6 December 2009

Checked Exceptions

I've always felt that exceptions were never used to their full potential in my code. It is so common in software to do a try-catch and log the exception that perhaps there should be a keyword built into the language for this :)

Every time the system logs or returns null because something couldn't happen then maybe a checked exception should be thrown.

Before using the eclipse refactor “surround with try-catch” we have to think is this really the best and most flexible way to handle the potential problem? For example say you have a method with a signature of void foo(obj) and something goes wrong, the client may be able to handle the problem but at least needs to be aware that something went wrong, indicating that the task didn't complete as expected.

The are a couple of problems with this
Thrown exceptions become part of the API so don't be too implementation specific.
Custom exceptions are not so easy to create, a new class needs to be created, more code more maintenance.
More responsibility on the API consumer and code duplication, catching exceptions and handling them in the same way many times throughout the code.

The argument that checked exceptions pollute code within implementation specific details is probably the biggest argument against them, and rightly so. For example if a component used a file to store data it might throw an IOException. Later on you might scale that up to a database, now you want to throw an SQLException but you can't change it because backwards compatibility would be broken. Not too bad if you own all of the code but an impossibility if you do. The simple work around is to create an exception for this situation and put the exception as the cause in the Exception(Throwable) constructor.

It is a shame that types in Java are not easily created, it would be great to do a typedef where the result is a completely new type. It would be especially good if generics could be included in that way like templates can in c++. This idea came about from reading about Erlang atoms which are a value represent only themselves and can be easily created so custom exceptions are cheap to create.

I saw some excellent c++ code not so long ago, types with templates were typedef'd into a type with a legible name. This was great although I'm not sure using it globally a lot is great idea, locally within a class would be excellent.

Lastly putting the onus on the consumer of the code to handle the exception correctly could be potentially dangerous. There are a lot of ways to badly handle exceptions, wrap in a RuntimeException and throw being the worst in most situations. This could happen because the code is in a Runnable or other interface which does not allow a checked exception to be thrown but doesn't make me feel any better about it.

Even with all of this, checked exceptions are the only maintainable way of using exceptions in your code as an error handling strategy. Can you imagine looking for which exceptions should be caught even a few calls deep? This is almost impossible and a maintenance nightmare.

There are some good counter arguments to all of these points and more below. Although I do agree that there are problems, especially in the google testing article the predictability of checked exceptions is awsome.

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